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Restaurant Shalimar offers you an Indian cuisine with sweet and fragrant spices. All our dishes are prepared with fresh products. We offer takeaway meals.


  • Culinary specialties: Indian cuisine


Opening from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2025
Monday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30
Tuesday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30
Wednesday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30
Thursday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30
Friday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30
Saturday 11h30 to 14h30 and 18h45 to 22h30


A la carte : of 10€ at 15 € Adult menu : of 11€ at 17 € Child menu : 9 €
Rate Min. Max.
A la carte Min: 10€ Max: 15€
Adult menu Min: 11€ Max: 17€
Child menu Min: 9€ Max: 9€


  • Bank/credit card
  • Cash



  • Restaurant
  • Takeaway/cooked dishes


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