Troyes today
Towards international recognition
In the context of its cultural, tourism and environmental policy, the City of Troyes had undertaken major projects to raise Troyes’ profile at regional, national and international level. A process that has in particular enabled it to apply for membership of four prestigious heritage labels, awarded by recognized institutions.

The European Union’s European Heritage Label

Troyes La Champagne Tourisme is a member of the public interest group ‘Rashi – Troyes and Aube in the Grand Est region’.
Created on 30 June 2023, the PIC Rashi is developing a coherent programme around a network of 6 sites constituting a place of remembrance in Troyes and the Aube department. These sites promote the memory of Rashi and his disciples, the Tossafists for their contribution to the construction of European identity.
PIC Rashi is thus supporting the application of Rashi of Troyes for the European Heritage label, the winners of which will be announced at the end of 2025.
PIC Rashi was founded by the French State (represented by the Prefecture of Aube), the Grand Est Regional Council, the Aube Departmental Council, the City of Troyes and the Central Consistory of France. It currently has 7 active members, including [your organisation].
Visit the PIC Rashi website for more information:
Troyes La Champagne Tourisme is pleased to contribute to the European influence of Rashi.
City of Art and History label
In the case of the City or Country of Art and History label, it is Troyes’ beautiful 16th century: architecture, sculpture and stained glass that represented the city of Troyes.
This application highlighted Troyes as a region of projects aimed at safeguarding, preserving and enhancing its architectural, urban and landscape heritage. Numerous aspects integrating horizontally and coherently into a local policy: education, culture, tourism, economy, habitat, urbanism, protection and rehabilitation of the heritage, etc.
After a favourable opinion with congratulations from the panel, Troyes officially joined the network of 138 “Cities or Countries of Art and History” labelled towns in June 2009.
UNESCO “Memory of the World Register”
In the case of the UNESCO “Memory of the World Register“, the City of Troyes based its application on the Clairvaux Abbey document collection preserved at the Grand Troyes “Médiathèque” library (12th – 18th century).
This collection represents the living memory of a major site linked to the work of Saint Bernard. A document bearing witness to and evocative of a period, its quality is remarkable both from the aesthetic as well as the stylistic and intellectual points of view.
The proposal to register this collection of archives and this library is a first in France (by way of example, for the 2006/2007 session, France put forward the Bayeux tapestry).
The International Consultative Committee of UNESCO’s Memory of the World programme announced, on 28 July 2009,through UNESCO’s Director General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, a list of 35 new applications recorded this year in the Memory of the World register.
Among these applications, just one from France: that of the Clairvaux Cistercian Abbey library, initiated by the city of TROYES in the context of its policy of obtaining labels and supported by Grand Troyes

Ville et Métiers d’Art label
Troyes’ historic city center is an open-air showcase for exceptional craftsmanship. From stained glass and ironwork to carpentry, stonework and paving, there are many architectural and heritage features to appreciate the importance and presence of arts and crafts.
The Ville et Métiers d’Art label recognizes the initiatives undertaken and supported by the city of Troyes to promote and preserve arts and crafts. Although its efforts have been recognized and awarded the label since 2020, for the city this is just one step in a coherent and ambitious approach to promoting the work of the hand and passing on ancestral know-how.
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