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To start our journey into the world of stained glass in the Aube department, here is a little mathematical riddle. Don’t worry, it’s easy.

Here it is:

Given that 8 0% of the world’s stained-glass windows are in France, that 80 % of French stained-glass windows are located north of the Loire river, that 80 % of stained-glass windows north of the Loire river are in the Champagne-Ardenne region and that 80 % of stained-glass windows in Champagne-Ardenne are in the department of Aube, what proportion of stained-glass windows does the department of Aube contain worldwide and in France?

Here is the answer (rounded off):
40 % of the world’s stained-glass windows and 50 % of French stained-glass windows

Troyes, the European capital of stained glass – episode 1

Troyes, the European capital of stained glass – episode 1

Yes, you read that right: the Aube department has half of France’s stained-glass windows! To be more precise on the topic, the Aube department has 9,000 m2 of stained-glass windows (1) dating from before the...

A historical context favourable for stained glass – episode 2

A historical context favourable for stained glass – episode 2

Summary of the previous episode:The Aube department is France’s leading department for its stained glass heritage. It is home to half of Europe’s stained glass. The history of stained glass in Troyes and the Aube...

The Aube department and its extraordinary glass heritage – episode 3

The Aube department and its extraordinary glass heritage – episode 3

Summary of the previous episode:The history of stained glass in Troyes went through two golden periods in medieval times, and has been undergoing a major revival since the 19th century. Troyes and the Aube department...

Stained glass, a living art, contemporary creations – episode 5

Stained glass, a living art, contemporary creations – episode 5

Résumé de l’épisode précédent :Avec ses 65 points d’intérêt, la Route du Vitrail donne un aperçu de la richesse patrimoniale troyenne et auboise en matière de vitraux. Le vitrail n’est ni un art poussiéreux, ni une...

The stained-glass windows road and its 65 must-see locations – episode 4

The stained-glass windows road and its 65 must-see locations – episode 4

Summary of the previous episode:Spared by the wars, the Aube department has managed to preserve a civil and religious, public and private, ancient and contemporary glassmaking heritage that is unique in Europe. First, there is...

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): the “Hôtel-Dieu”, a jewel box – episode 6

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): the “Hôtel-Dieu”, a jewel box – episode 6

Summary of the previous episode:Stained glass is an art that is still very much alive, as demonstrated by the creation of many contemporary stained-glass windows artists, especially in Troyes. The “Cité du Vitrail” in Troyes...

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): artworks at eye level and within easy reach – episode 8

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): artworks at eye level and within easy reach – episode 8

Summary of the previous episode:The last episode made you discover the Hôtel-Dieu building and the “Cité du Vitrail” through four emblematic architectural and decorative elements. The “Cité du Vitrail” is a unique place in France,...

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): four emblematic elements – episode 7

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): four emblematic elements – episode 7

Summary of the previous episode:The “Cité du Vitrail” is installed in buildings dating from the 18th century and listed as historic monuments. They were entirely restored for the occasion. The Hôtel-Dieu-le-Comte is a remarkable building...

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): three iconic stained-glass windows – episode 9

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): three iconic stained-glass windows – episode 9

Summary of the previous episode:Although the tour goes downhill, it builds up the visitor’s interest to a crescendo, culminating in the final spot: the chapel. The “Cité du Vitrail” is home to a number of...

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): ten good reasons to go and visit – episode 10

“La Cité du Vitrail” (“The stained glass city”): ten good reasons to go and visit – episode 10

Summary of the previous episode:The previous episode was about four iconic masterpieces from the “Cité du Vitrail”, old and contemporary, abstract and figurative. And to end this serie, here are ten good reasons to come...