Christian of Troyes (12th century, around 1135-1183)
Little is known about the life of the France’s greatest medieval author. He attented the court of Marie de Champagne circa 1170. A highly cultivated man, he wrote five novels in verse about King Arthur and the « Knights of the Round Table » and added a « Christian » dimension to the Celtic myth and the Arthurian legends, with their combination of courtly love and chivalrous virtues.
His works : Erec and Enide, Cligès, Lancelot or the Knight of the cart, Yvain or the Knight of the Lion, Percival or the Story of the Grail.

Geoffroy de Villehardouin (1167-1218)
He took part in the IV crusade (1202-1204). Author of the famous chronicle “History of the conquest of Constantinople”, the first prose written in the French language.
Thibaut IV “le chansonnier”, Count of Champagne (1201-1253)
Having become King of Navarre in 1234, he set off for the Holy Land in 1239 and helped to [Thibaut IV] restore Jerusalem to the Christians.
He was responsible for the motto of the Counts of Champagne
– “Passavant le meillor” – and is known for his unfortunate love affair with Queen Blanche de Castille, and also fot his love songs, which were inspired by the great themes of courtly poetry.
Jean Passerat (1534-1602)
Professor at the College de France, he was one of the authors of the « Satire Ménipée », a pamphlet on the Etats Généraux or States General of 1593 about the religious wars, co-written with the Pithou Brothers, natives of Troyes, both men of letters and jurisconsults.
Pierre de Larivey (1541-1619)
Pierre de Larivey, whose father emigrated from Italy, translated and adapted Italian comedies, with a very “Rabelais” feel (Les Esprits, Le Morfondu – 1579, Les Tromperies – 1611). He turned to religion as from 1585.
Pierre-Jean Grosley (1718-1785)
Pierre-Jean Grosley, member of the “Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres” and satirical commentator, was labelled “Troyes scholar and spiritual thinker” by Voltaire himself.