Troyes Aube Judo

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TROYES AUBE JUDO (TAJ), an association under the law of 1901, was founded in 1985 by Didier Charles.

Didier was succeeded by a number of instructors, making way for Caroline DENIZOT, judo instructor since 2002, and Kévin BATISTA, judo instructor since 2009, both of whom work full-time for the association. A new President, Pascal BARTOLI, joined Troyes Aube Judo in 2011, along with a new, highly-motivated management team full of plans for the club.

After a large number of initiatives aimed at different target groups, membership numbers have been rising steadily for several years.

The club offers a wide range of courses and activities for all age groups (from 4-year-olds to adults):

- Eveil judo (ages 4 to 5)
- Judo loisirs (from age 6)
- Competitive judo (ages 12 to adult)
- Taiso (from age 14)

The association is also present in rural areas:
- Bréviandes section (Préau de l'école primaire de Bréviandes)
- Buchères section (Salle des Vigneux de Buchères)
- Section St Germain (Gymnase de Lépine, 2km from St Germain)
- Section Charmont sous Barbuise (Salle des fêtes de Charmont)
- Section Savières (Salle des fêtes de Savières)
- Section Creney-près-Troyes

