Mairie de Fontvannes

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Fons Vennoe, Fonsvana, Fontevana, Fonvenna, Fonvena, Fonvane, Fonvenne, Fons ad Enedam, Fontvannes, .... are the different names given to the village over the centuries, all referring to the Vanne, a small river that rises below the church of Saint Alban and, after a journey of around 55 km, flows into the Yonne at Sens. Since 1885, the waters of this river have been tapped at St Benoist sur Vanne to supply Paris with drinking water.

Fontvannes, 1h45 from Paris by car on the A5 or via Sens by train, 15km from Troyes and 10 minutes from the A5 exits, is continuing to develop.
Rurality and modernity welcome you to Les Sources de la Vanne and the restored washhouse at Prez-la-Fontaine.

Excavations carried out before the construction of the A5 freeway and the building of the reception center for ageing disabled people, show that a village already existed on the left bank of the river in the Early Neolithic period (5184-5057 B.C.), with a more pronounced settlement in the High Middle Ages from the 6th to the 21st century.
The village of Fontvannes, whose name Fons Vanneo appears as early as 1019, belonged to various families of lords, the last of whom was Edmé François Congnasse Desjardins, advisor and secretary to the king, who died in 1810 and whose bust is on display at the entrance to the church. Other lords include Ubric de Font-Vain, the oldest (1145), Jean de Roffey, who died in 1602, and his wife Gabrielle de Saquenay, whose tombstone is on display in the church porch. The 16th-century church of Saint Alban features a listed altarpiece.

Today, the commune has developed a range of childcare facilities, including a nursery for young children run by childminders, either in their own homes or at the Maison d'assistantes maternelles, and the Foyer de vie "Les Tomelles", created by the Raphaël association, which accommodates 40 disabled residents. The Orée d'Othe inter-communal school group welcomes children to its nursery and elementary sections, with leisure activities from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and school meals. Every Saturday morning from 10.30am, children and adults alike can enjoy the reading center.
The town's appeal is reinforced by its shops and craftsmen: the Auberge de la Vanne, recently awarded the "Bistrots de pays" label, the "Brush en Othe" hairdressing salon and the "Caveau Fontenais". In all, more than ten construction and landscaping businesses have set up shop in the village.

Fontvannes is home to several associations: Têtes de lin'Othe (organization of events to support the projects and/or activities of the Groupe Scolaire de l'Orée d'Othe), the Société de chasse (hunting regulations, game restocking and poaching prevention), Team MG Racing (motocross), Troubadeuch'band (for enthusiasts of old 2CV vehicles and derivatives)...
JSVPO offers several activities at the sports complex: ballroom dancing on Wednesdays, judo on Fridays, and the painting workshop takes place at the Espace socio-culturel Roger Collot on Wednesday afternoons. Other activities are also available at Estissac (boxing, baby gym, etc.).
ASVPO footballers, whose flagship team is in the regional honor division, play at the sports complex every Sunday.
The "Animations Fontenaises" committee organizes theme evenings and hosts the 14th of July.

Our CPI has 9 volunteer firefighters, 3 of whom are on double duty with the Centre de Secours d'Estissac.

source : www.troyes-champagne-mé

