Le Club i3A – Association des Industries Agroalimentaires de Champagne-Ardenne

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Club i3A, the Champagne-Ardenne agri-food industries association, promotes the collective work of 12 companies involved in direct sales, some of which also organize company visits.

The participating companies are members of the i3A Club and the "Savour Champagne-Ardenne!" initiative, launched in 2012 by the i3A Club with the regional council to promote our region's companies and products.

The 12 participating companies:
- Aube: Brasserie Moulin de St Martin (beers), Champagne Devaux (Champagne), Didier Barbe (spirits), Ferme d'Hotte (cider and apple juice), Fromagerie Champ-sur-Barse (milk, yoghurts, cheeses), Guilleminot (charcuterie, delicatessen), Huguier et Frères (charcuterie), Lincet (cheeses)
- Ardennes: Ardwen (beers), De Malt et d'Ô (beers), Demoizet (charcuterie, Boudin blanc de Rethel)
- Marne: Fossier (cookies, including pink cookies from Reims)

Find out more about company visits and stores on the Club i3A website: https://clubi3a.com/magasins-et-visites-entreprises/

