Hôpitaux Champagne Sud

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Hôpitaux Champagne Sud brings together, under common management, all the public hospitals in the Aube and Sézannais regions, as well as the GCS Clinique de Champagne. Its CEO is Philippe Blua.

Here are the 7 establishments:
- CH de Troyes (also a support facility for the Aube and Sézannais GHT)
- GHAM (Groupement Hospitalier Aube-Marne, comprising the Romilly-sur-Seine, Nogent-sur-Seine and Sézanne hospitals)
- EPSMA (Etablissement public de santé mentale de l'Aube)
- Saint-Nicolas Hospital, Bar-sur-Aube
- Bar-sur-Seine Hospital
- GCS Clinique de Champagne
- and an EHPAD, the Cardinal de Loménie residence (Brienne-le-Château).
They are members of the Aube and Sézannais GHT.
