Chanson contemporaine

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Chanson Contemporaine aims to promote the choral interpretation of song among French-speaking choirs: la chanson chorale.

The association Chanson Contemporaine was born from the idea and the will to promote the choral interpretation of the song: "la chanson chorale" to the choirs of the French-speaking world. Today, the vast majority of the choral population practices or wishes to approach the repertoire of the song.

Because of its history, Chanson Contemporaine can and must redevelop its cultural and associative project to respond to this new expectation by redefining the association's musical objectives, by encouraging a spirit of openness and by programming actions directly linked to its objectives.

Three main objectives make up this new project:
● a new edition of choral scores,
● relay activities in our repertoire designed to promote the culture of song and its dissemination,
● a cycle of continuing education and a space of expression for young choral conductors and pianists.

Chanson Contemporaine wishes to commit itself to this ambitious cultural and musical project whose objective will be to offer French-speaking choirs a contemporary choral repertoire, activities related to this repertoire and the world of song, and a modern training of future choral singers.



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