The A.G.A. was created at the end of 1970 on the initiative of Jean-Pierre Chenet, a gemmologist in Troyes. It was published in the Journal Officiel on 8 January 1971. Its aim is to promote geology in the department, to improve the knowledge of amateurs and to pool all our resources.
Immediately, some thirty members - all amateurs - gathered under the leadership of Jacques Pietresson de Saint-Aubin, the first president. An amateur paleontologist and stratigrapher, known for his geological publications and translations, and recognized by the academic world, he shared his immense knowledge of the Auvergne subsoil and its fossils.
With such a guide, the A.G.A. could only envisage activities that were both scientific and educational.
Opening from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2025