Discover the Academy's sections: Folk Dance, Traditional Song Choir, French Variety Choir, Folk Awakening, Sewing Workshop and Heritage Workshop. A traditional music orchestra class is currently being formed.
The Académie Champenoise des Arts et Traditions (ACAT) was born from the reunion of the folklore group "Jeune Champagne" from Troyes and the Rivière de Corps group "Les Ribocortins" in August 2021.
Our academy offers a repertoire of dances, songs and music from the Champage. They come from all over the Champagne region, with several cultural influences including polkas and soyottes, the dances par excellence of the Champagne region.
Thanks to a varied repertoire, ACAT can provide entertainment, full shows and can propose Champagne dinner-shows.
The Académie Champenoise des Arts et Traditions travels all over the world and organises an annual Champagne Night which highlights all aspects of the culture and traditions of our beautiful region.