Every lundis, mardis, mercredis, jeudis, vendredis, samedis
Troyes La Champagne Tourisme, 10000 Troyes
Days | Hours |
Monday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Tuesday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Wednesday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Thursday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Friday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Saturday | 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 18h00 |
Depending on available booking slots. Sundays on request in high season.
Exceptional(s) closure(s)
- 01/01/2024
- 01/11/2024
- 11/11/2024
- 25/12/2024
Rate | Min. | Max. |
One price | Min: 30€ | Max: 30€ |
One price | Min: 30€ | Max: 30€ |
- Bank/credit card
- Check
- Cash